Camper & Family Feedback

“I have seen my daughter's confidence grow in so, so many ways!  She is in first grade now and she has been able to transfer that confidence into trying new things.  My family cannot thank you enough!”
-Mother of a camper

“After camp, we have often referred back to how she rode a horse all by herself. She was scared at first but she tried it anyway and really liked it. This has helped her to try other new things at school.”
-Mother of a camper

“When we got home, I told family and friends about just how special it was to see the older campers carefree and enjoying the waterfront activities. They did not seem self conscious about showing their scars.”
-Mother of a camper

“My favorite memory about Camp RED was the way we started each day, gathered in a circle around the flags. I never once heard anyone utter the words “I’m bored” despite the fact that there was no TV or technology. Amazing!”
-Grandmother of a camper


“Camp RED touched my heart. As a parent, to see the campers who had burn scars and grafts freely be themselves around other kids like them was so touching. The camp team did an excellent job creating a welcoming environment.”
-Mother of camper


After asking a camper what he thought the very best thing about Camp RED was....he simply said, “Being here.” -Volunteer Counselor and burn nurse


“I loved how our group bonded and was able to support each other! They really became a camp family.” -Volunteer counselor

“I made so many new friends. We all have a story to tell and when we share our story, we might help other campers feel more confident to share.”