12 “home-away-from-home” suites for the families of burn survivors or firefighters/first responders.
Our 15,000-square-foot facility is located on the second floor of the Moment, a 10-story apartment building.
In addition to housing the business offices for Firefighters for Healing, the Transitional Healing Center features 12 “home-away-from-home” suites for the families of burn survivors or firefighters/first responders who are being cared for at the Hennepin Healthcare Burn Center and other Twin Cities hospitals. We offer the following amenities:
Families who qualify for emergency housing are immediate family of a burn survivor or first responder, who is from/lives in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, or has been transported to Hennepin Healthcare’s Level 1 Burn Center. There is no limit to the amount of time families can utilize housing except that the patient needs to be in the hospital or in outpatient treatment and they need to abide by the Code of Conduct. This emergency housing offers not only a respite for families dealing with a traumatic situation but also significant financial relief.
Affinity Plus Federal Credit Union (funded the Joy Room) • Alerus Bank (Room Sponsor) • Andersen Windows and Doors • Ashley Furniture (furnished the suites) • Elire (Room Sponsor) • ESG (Architecture Firm) • Feist Family (Room Sponsor) • Flicker Family (Room Sponsor) • Hegarty Family (Room Sponsor) • Hennepin Healthcare Foundation • Homes for Heroes (Room Sponsor) • Intereum (furnished the offices) • Kraus Anderson (General Contractor) • LaFerriere/Dunker Families (Room Sponsor) • Lange Family (Room Sponsor) • Lothenbach Family Foundation • Meuser Family (Room Sponsor) • Meuser, Yackley Rowland • Minneapolis Fire/Local 82 (Room Sponsor) • MNFire (Room Sponsor) • Mowery Family (Room Sponsor) • Plants & Things • Sherman Associates • Sherman Family • The FF4H Board of Directors
Your donation makes a huge difference in the lives of burn survivors, firefighters and their families.
This has been such a Blessing to us! From the moment you opened the door and said, "this is your place," the tears just flowed and the Healing Began. It was a "Safe Haven" for me to always come home to! This place kept me close to my loved one and gave us the gift of Togetherness and made us feel like family. May you always know and Remember the powerful Impact this Legacy called, "Firefighters for Healing," has made on our life - it's Priceless! Although we didn't get to bring our loved one home with us, this "Safe Haven" allowed us to bring our Family Together to walked our loved one to His Eternal Home - Heaven. Love + Appreciate You So Much!
Melanie Brown & Family
Firefighters for Healing is a non-profit, tax-exempt, 501(c)3) organization. Your donation is tax-deductible, subject to rules and regulations of the IRS. Please consult your tax professional for instructions on filing this deduction. Firefighters for Healing will provide a receipt with our federal tax-exempt ID for such purposes.
Mailing: Firefighters For Healing
PO Box 374, Champlin, MN 55316