A September to Remember

9/11 for every American and especially first responders is a day that is filled with emotion, memories & patriotism. There are many stories of heroism from that day and the days afterward. One hero was Welles R. Crowther who rescued up to 18 people in one of the World Trade Center towers. He was wearing a red bandana to protect his lungs from the smoke and ash in the office space and corridors. Welles lost his life that day but has left a legacy of commitment, dedication & hope.

Now 14 years later, Discovery’s American Hero’s Channel honored Jake LaFerriere with the first ever Red Bandana Hero Award. The award is an honor of "bold men and women who have distinguished themselves by their courageous, selfless and often lifesaving actions.”

Stephen Covey said, I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.

Jake as Executive Director of Firefighters for Healing is the epitome of making decisions regardless of circumstance. His daily focus on building community partnerships, educating adults and children on fire safety and gifting those in need is inspiring.

We would love for you to become involved: volunteer at our events, volunteer in the community, attend our events, be a supporter. Email us your ideas or interests!