Dr. Jon Gayken

Every drop of kindness has a ripple effect. 
You never know how far reaching each ripple might be.

In his years as a surgeon, Dr. Gayken has had to make difficult split second decisions that save limbs and lives of the patients in his care. He is very talented but that’s only part of his magical powers. He has the kindest heart as well. Dr. Gayken is a humble family man who experienced skin grafting himself as a patient nearly 20 years ago. He knows the pain all too well. He knows the emotional toll. Under his experienced care many patients have been able to get the reconstructive surgeries to be functional.  His strong interest in the acute and long term psychological outcomes affecting burn patients and their reintroduction into society can be felt. His bed side manner with families and respect for the nursing staff who take over wound care are evident daily. He has found caring for patients who rely on safety net hospitals particularly rewarding and a special privilege. Thank you HCMC Burn for creating the space and the team for Dr Gayken to do his finest work.