Burn Survivor Family Testimony

We are deeply grateful to Jake and his donors for the lifeline they provided for our family.

When our daughter was injured, we were totally overwhelmed. She was flown 2000 miles away from home to receive the level 1 trauma care at Hennepin County Medical Center. We did not have a support network in Minneapolis until Jake and Firefighters for Healing offered us a stable home and unwavering support. They really provided the unconditional love of a family who came around us in our time of need.

When my daughter was finally discharged from the hospital we had the choice to either put her into a nursing home or try to take care of her with the hospital’s support. We could not wrap our heads around this when our homes and jobs were in another state. Without the Firefighters for Healing temporary apartment, just one block from the hospital, we are confident our daughter would not have made the progress she has.

We are forever thankful to the volunteers, medical teams, donors and Jake for all of the attention and support. It has made the world of difference.


Our amazing sponsors and incredible volunteers have created a safety net and a unique community who help us improve lives, create smiles, bring hope & go where we are needed. Join us as a volunteer or a donor TODAY!

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