National Burn Awareness Week 2020

According to the American Burn Association (ABA), every year over 450,000 serious burn injuries occur in the United States that require medical treatment. The total costs for the treatment of burns in 2010 was $1.5 billion, with another $5 billion in costs associated with lost work. The vast majority of these injuries were preventable. This is why the American Burn Association has designated February 2 to February 8, 2020 as National Burn Awareness Week.

The theme for National Burn Awareness Week 2020 is Contact Burns. Contact burns are thermal burns where the person has come into direct contact with hot objects. Examples include burns from contact with a hot stove or pan and burns from contact with portable heating appliances. Other types of burns include burns from flames, scalds, steam, flash burns (such as explosions or lightning), inhalation, chemical, electrical, and radiation burns.

A typical burn center will see burn related trauma after exposure to:

  • hot machinery, heating appliances, radiators and pipes

  • running hot tap-water

  • hot fluids spilled on someone

  • heat and hot substances

  • hot stove (kitchen)

  • hot food and drinks

  • fats and cooking oils

“The mission of the ABA is to improve the lives of everyone affected by burn injury. The best way to do this is to prevent the burn in the first place,” says ABA Executive Director Kimberly Hoarle. “The hope with National Burn Awareness Week is that we can spread the word about the risks of burn injury and steps that people can take to avoid these risks to prevent burn injury for themselves and their children.”

If your office or group ever want a fire prevention or safety Lunch n Learn, please let us know. Simply email We would be happy to arrange for you.

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